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Nailed IT

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Body Gems

Express yourself with body jewellery

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Not merely a soap, much more

Amet nisl purus in mollis nunc. Sed viverra tellus in hac habitasse platea dictumst vestibulum


Product Information:
Most Vonchic products displayed on the Site are available while supplies last. We work at high capacity to maintain product update.

Prices and currency
Vonchic makes every effort to ensure that pricing is consistent. In some occasions, there may be price differences due to promotional events and special offers. The prices displayed on the Site are quoted in British Pounds.
All prices include VAT.

Out of stock items
Occasionally, high demand causes us to run out of certain items. If the item you ordered is out-of-stock, you will receive an out-of-stock email notice and the item will be removed from your order. Please note that you will not be charged for any out of stock items. You will only be charged for items that will be shipped.

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